Strategies for Finding Self-Confidence

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Every successful person can get rich. There is absolutely no doubt about this. We see successful people around us all the time. Often, success has nothing to do with one's profession.

You might think of your soft-spoken but very resourceful neighbor or the lady in the superstore juggling a bag of groceries and an active baby or the well-dressed individual stepping out of a big car, leather briefcase in hand. Each of us has a picture in the back of his or her mind associated with the phrase "successful person."

However, all successful people possess one very compelling quality: self-confidence.

The Difficult Job

Are difficult jobs impossible to carry out? A good way to find the answer to this question is to analyze which tasks you found "difficult" or "impossible" in the past. Everybody has had moments when he or she felt a particular task or responsibility was simply impossible to handle—and then went right ahead and dealt with it successfully. When you reexamine the processes that were involved in carrying out a task, it becomes easier to see where the roadblocks lay and how they were overcome.

It's Not About Incompetence.

To use a popular cliché, nothing is impossible—and that includes developing self-confidence. Everyone suffers from a lack of self-confidence at one time or another. This should be recognized as a temporary phase and not as a reflection of one's capabilities or competency. Self-confidence is a quality that can be developed and nurtured.

Unfounded Fears

Unable to close that one big deal you have been working on all week? Examine the situation closely to find out why. Does your promotion hinge heavily on closing the deal? Perhaps the client is very important, so you'd rather wait until you are sure to put forth your best effort. If you are in sales, such doubts occur often. But if you sit down to take stock of past experiences, how many times have such fears proven to be unfounded?

Work on It.

Since self-confidence soars with success, it is a good idea to keep a note of every little success you have. That way, when faced with doubts, you can simply look back at your list of personal successes. This will reaffirm your achievements. Remind yourself that this is just a part of the decision-making process that you must go through.

Learn from Experience.

Almost all action is motivated by hope or fear. Children might be motivated by their fear of failing tests. Young adults might be motivated by the hope of a good future. Those who are more mature might be motivated by the fear of not providing enough for their retirements.

However, fear can flourish only in the absence of preparedness. Are you prepared enough for the task ahead? Do you continually update yourself regarding the latest happenings in your field? If you are prepared, then you are ready to tackle any lack of self-confidence you feel.

Look at your list of achievements as well as the difficult patches, and you will find patterns emerging. Maybe you lack self-confidence when called to deliver public speeches or you worry when evaluation time rolls around or when asked to make an important decision. Alongside the patterns associated with problematic times, you will see solution patterns which are the keys to learning. Think about how you overcame each problem. This little exercise will help you recognize how to cultivate self-confidence.

Apply It!

Once you understand your weak points, you will have to work to resolve them. Take another look at that sales deal you have been pushing away for weeks now. Analyze it carefully and figure out where it is stalled. If you are afraid of failure, request the advice of someone more experienced. In the end, not only will you have solved the problem, but you also will have learned how to dispel self-doubt in a new situation!
On the net:Developing Self-Confidence

Assertiveness and Self-Confidence

Self-Confidence is the Key to Personal and Professional Success
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