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PR vs. Marketing — In with the New and out with the Old

MJM Communications (owner of has landed media in the Associated...

Keith Reinhard

Every organization has set goals, a vision and a mission statement that guide th...

Dovya Friedman: Advertising Job Star

Dovya Friedman is currently working as the Director of New Business at McKee Wal...

Sarah Biondi: Senior Account Executive at the McKee Wallwork Cleveland Ad Agency

Sarah Biondi will test this summer for her third-degree black belt in the Americ...

Brandon English: Copywriter for McKee Wallwork Cleveland

''When I was in college, I tried out five different majors and wanted to make su...

Christians Embrace Lesson of Humility Jesus Taught Disciples

Jamie Patton was nervous. She doesn't get her feet washed — by someone else â...

In It for the Long Run: Ignasi Puig

Ignasi Puig has been in the advertising industry for over 20 years. He started ...

iH Design President and Owner Ignacio Hernandez

''Whatever it takes.'' That's this ad star's attitude when it comes to his job....

McKee Wallwork Cleveland's Traffic Director: Elizabeth Reed

As a traffic director at ad agency McKee Wallwork Cleveland, Elizabeth Reed find...

In It for the Commercials: Roger Hurni

For 23 years Roger Hurni has immersed himself in the advertising world. He thri...

From a Book to a Business: Robert Smith

''I've never had a job in advertising,'' admits Robert Smith, owner of Champion ...

Anything but Typical: Robert Gourley

A typical day for creative director Robert Gourley is filled with client meeting...

PAWS Works to Help People and Pets Stay Together

Pets Are Wonderful Support, or PAWS, was founded in 1993 by volunteers in San Di...

Red Tape an Obstacle for Entry into National Cemeteries

Earl Holland, a World War II veteran, had long thought of Fort Rosecrans Nationa...

Giving Your Kid a Map for the Sexual Minefield

At first I thought it was a joke. Jamie Lynn Spears, baby sister of Britney, is ...

President of Minyanville: Kevin Wassong

Hard-hitters Phil Mickelson, Wayne Levi, and Scott Hoch share certain characteri...

There is More to Human Behavior Than Nature Vs. Nurture

Sixteen centuries ago, in an epic poem called ''Psychomachia'' or ''Contest of t...

10 rules of the road for your holiday newsletter

Every year around this time, along with the catalogs and the Christmas cards, an...

Cramer-Krasselt President and CEO: Peter Krivkovich

''It's a funny story,'' starts Peter Krivkovich when asked how he got into adver...

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